Whether it is a CEO building a high performing senior management team, a sales manager making quota by getting the most out of sales reps, or an operations manager satisfying every customer by motivating front-line employees, leadership is what we need today. Many define leadership as the ability to get people to do what they would not have done on their own. I define it simply as the ability to build an effective, satisfied and profitable group of people.
Effective, because they are doing the right thing right.
Satisfied, because you have created a work environment that gives them what they need to keep going day after day.
Profitable because you have optimized your headcount, costs and the quality and quantity of their output.
Profitable because you have optimized your headcount, costs and the quality and quantity of their output.
While we have been teaching leaders what to do for years, we forgot a critical components: who to do what to! Leaders who apply their training broadly to their teams find that some follow, some stray and some resist. On the otherhand, leaders who understand the individuals on their teams and adjust to their needs find a much higher percentage of followers.
We know from over 50 years of studies that the insight required to understand the motivational needs and drives of individuals is not avaialble without the help of a tool. That tool is a validated behavioral assessment. We recommend the Predictive Index because it is a fast, accurate and cost affective tool that gives leaders everything they need to understand their people. Behavioral assessments dramatically accellerate any leader's ability to understand and get the best out of their team.
Great leaders put the right people in the right jobs and communicate with them individually acording to their style. Behavioral assessments give any leader the insight required to function like the great leaders. What more could we want?
Make this a great year by giving your leaders the tools they need to become great!
If you need help, call me at 904-269-2299 x102 or email me at steve@predictiveresults.com. There is much more information on Predictive Index and behavioral assessments at our web site.
Steve Waterhouse